Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Margie rejects mouse...

Today was Margie's "dress rehearsal" of sorts with the mouse antibodies. They do this to do a bit of a trial run to see how her liver responds as well as her other organs so that they are prepared for the real-deal antigen therapy coming up.
So today was an all day infusion of mouse antibody at the University hospital and apparently about one half to two thirds of the way through (she'd also been given the appropriate drugs to keep at bay any adverse reactions) Margie has some severe
allergic reactions to the infusions whereas her blood pressure dropped as well as her oxygen levels.

So, the medical team there reacted appropriately and tonight Margie is being monitored at the hospital, Dad went to the apartment to sleep and tomorrow they'll meet up with their transplant team to discuss the new "direction" as it were.

Sounds like antigen therapy and radition are not in the cards. Stay tuned and I will keep all of you posted on which direction Margie will be going after these latest events.

Most importantly, after what sounds like it was a very difficult day, both Margie and Robert are comfortably and sleeping.

Love, Kathleen

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