Sunday, April 20, 2008

good doctor visit yesterday

Yes, I had a good visit. My dr is a very upbeat person, and starts out the visit saying " you look beautiful as always and your doing so WELL!!! how is that for a boost?
One disappointment is I am being treated for a urinary infection for the third time in five or six weeks-like he said, it probably never went away but the good-great news is that yesterday was my last day on the immunsupprent drug cyclosporin. Over the last several months they took me gradually from 200-250 mg a day down to 25mg and that ended yesterday. He also said my immune system will grow quickly without the suppression and his hope is that will take care of a another recurrence of the urinary infection in fact, he said I would be my old self by August! I was so thrilled to hear that I didn't know if another year would have to be spent vulnerable to infection. Presumably, as this immunosupprant has decreased, the immune system has been growing, and I'm not starting from zero. One side effect of the drug is it raises blood pressure so I have had to be on b/p medication to keep it down. It was 128/82 at the office to I'll have to start taking my own b/p to monitor it. He said I could stop it -whenever.

We are getting hail in mid April.

I know I am finally getting more energy back. It's nothing to write home about but I rarely have the weird-to- my-core exhausted feeling,like can I make it to the bed. and then after sleeping two hours I'd feel exactly the same was when I woke up!
I sleep during the day two hours, yesterday it was three. I am so thankful that this is what I can focus on- doing what feels best for me. So many have obligations that would make focusing on yourself difficult and energy draining when there is none to spare.

I have greatly enjoyed reading Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth and following he and Oprah's podcast discussion of the book. The essesce of it is how to live in the present moment and what could be more theraputic for someone with a serious diagnosis but for all to better deal with difficulty that comes in our lives.

Love to all M

Sunday, April 6, 2008

all better

Last day on antibiotics yesterday and I feel soooo much better. I am not sure how a urinary track infection got in my blood,I'll talk to the Dr. about it when I see him on April 16th. My temp dissapeared three days after I started the right antibiotic, but I am continuing to monitor it daily for a while.

I walked today and did my Hutch exercises while I watched a movie. The two weeks with the infection did do a number on me- wiped me out. Now I feel much better, Still can have nice 2 hour naps during the day tho, It is a good feeling to be able to do that. Sort of care free.

This coming week is a difficult one as April 9th is the five year anniversary of the loss of our three month old grandchild, Noah Robert who was born with a very serious congenital heart defect. The Dr's didn't know how long he would live so
his parents, five year old brother and us set the goal that Noah would have the happiest babyhood we could give him. That meant it had to start with us- we had to be happy, be joyous, celebrate his being, marvel at his smile which started early and hold him incessently, oh yes, Noah spent his entire life at home. He had many friends come over,with baby gifts, flowers and food and so many desserts. Noah had a birthday party every week with cake. His grampa gave him his first taste of chocolate cake. He saw the Pacific Ocean, He heard music, admired his brothers favorite toys. Father continued on to work each day to maintain the family. Noah had to eat frequently so I did night duty so Mother could be rested in the morning. It was five years ago but it feels like now. I guess that is the mystery we don't understand. How someone can be here and then not be here when we feel ourselves and others to be forever.

love to all, M

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