Thursday, May 3, 2007

and yet another change....

For any of you devoted readers, you've figured out by now that checking back is a good idea as things change sometimes daily here at Margies wonderful life! Is that what makes it so wonderful, I ask you dear reader?

So, you're with me so far with the whole found-leukemia-cells-in-bone-marrow- now -we -have- to -put- mouse- anti-bodies- and -radiation -through -her- body- thing, right?

Well, the latest is that from that lumbar puncture a week ago (spinal tap) they've found Leukemia cells in her spinal fluid too.
She and dad decided to flee the Hutch last night, went back to the island to have some much needed change of environment, dinner with Rod and Colleen and Mike and Carol and then tomorrow morning (friday) will be back at the hutch for chemo injected into the spine (2-3 days of this) Next week starts the whole process of the antigen therapy (mouse/radiation combo)

As you may wonder yourself, many questions have been coming my way as to the radiation part of this treatment. Stay tuned, dear reader, as we are finding out daily more information about this positively mysterious turn of events. So far, we know that the lead lined room, where she'll be isolated is called the "hot box" and that's for 7 days. We still speculate as to how fair Margie will be taking her meals...We do know that she'll be so "hot" that she'll be doing her own blood draws whilst she's in isolation!

That deserves a capital "OY-VEY!"

All for now. Mom, you are in all of our prayers
Love, Kathleen


  1. I drove over to the hutch today nice drive. Margie is having a meeting with the Dr.Ridelle at ten.I'm waiting here with anticipation of good things to happen for her. After the meeting she will be getting her first bit of chemo.

    She told me last night she got to talk to a 72 yr old woman that has done the mouse antibody stuff, and now has had the transplant, and she's a hundred days after the transplant she's doing very well. She said she slept two weeks after transplant and after that she felt great, I realize each persons case is different but this really lifted margies spirts up. Also Bob was very excited the QFC grocery store opened up, its around the corner from them, Cheers Cathy

  2. Cathy, She told me about that conversation last night too! It sounds like it was fantastic to talk with this person.
    I don't think mom mentioned her name, so I'll call her "Hope".
    Hope said she also know two other people that are past their 100 day mark and are doing equally well.
    That is SO encouraging! To hear about people going through this what with the mice, the radiation, the hot box, the chemo and coming out on the otherside!
    Goooooooo Margie!!!
    p.s. Dad must be totally jazzed about that store opening up!

  3. Hey mom , how is she feeling?

  4. Alex wants to tell you he is thinking of you and is praying for you all
    love , alex

  5. hi margie,this is my first attempt,prayers are circling the globe I sure wish I could be up there. I would send the pie if I could!


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