Sunday, July 29, 2007

Transplant on Fast forward

Everything is happening so fast now, like three days before Christmas and time starts dissapearing from right under your feet.

I have started 1/2 of the big guns immunosuppressent meds which will drastically suppress both my immune system and the new stem cells as well. The purpose is to prevent a big fight in there-they put the two immune systems together and then anhesthsize them so they can learn to live together, then gradually remove the suppressents. This takes months and actually one year for a fully functional immune system to emerge.

I haven't had any illeffects from the chemo- I'm getting this three days but it is nervewracking starting (today)the first immmunosupprent because they are so toxic to your major organs. Even the pills are wrapped in foil cocoons. So you don't know if your just going to blow up or what, especially since you're told "everyones different"

I sleep well at night, but how I feel right now is like I have been up for 24hrs. Can't focus on what should I do this afternoon. I have papers to sort and file, ironing to do which to me is not a pain to do, oh, and I have to take a daily shower to reduce the bacteria count on my body. So that will have to be my next move and if your thinking well at least that ritual is pleasant-Not when you have a tube going into your chest- you try to keep it dry and get out as quick as you can.

Another job I have is to drink as close to 80 0z of fluids a day.

Cathy had her 2nd stemcell boosting shots today and she is definetly having some side effects. Some nausea, headache, and migrating sharp acheing in her bones as the cells build up very fast and there is no space for them and they migrate out through tiny rivlets alone the bone itself. She even told me her spine felt like it was pulsating a few times. She was checked by the Dr when she come to the scca this morning and he said these symptoms were expected.

Honestly I wanted to be in bed instead of blogging I want to hold up my end of the stick as best I can and I so appreciate all of your tuning in to this and your love and caring demonstrated in so doing.

Richard,(our brother) is bringing Cathy over to Seattle tomorrow and they will stay at a motel for 2 or 3 nights and take care of Cathy just 2 blocks away.

Debbie, our daughter arrived back from Ca last night.

Taking one day at a time and being thankful for all the opportunities and successes of the past year, I feel good,

I will do my best tonight and tomorrow. much Love, M


  1. Marge, Bob & Cathy,
    I just want to say our love, thoughts & prayers are constantly reaching out to you. Just so you know...
    -Joe & Michelle

  2. I could not get in on the blog so i thought i would just leave a commment. I am so excited about this transpland, Richard and I were in with Margie while she was getting more chemo, Its reallly funny cause i had a no bone pain night last night but after my shots today yikes! so we were all laughing cause margie said it was like i was giving birth the way i was acting, Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts and love towards my sweet sister, We truly will be blood sister Love Cathy


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