Saturday, August 4, 2007

"Red Man" and more from the front line of transplant

After speaking with Margie and Robert a couple of times over the last 2 days, I've decided to compile a list of quotes to serve as "snap shots" of what they're doing/experiencing right now. These are in no particular order but serve well as a peek into the inner workings of this s.o.b. of a cancer.

Margie: "Hi, dad (Robert) just got back with another wheelbarrel full of pills from the pharmacy"

Dr. Storb: "Immune system transplant (the mini that Margie just had) is much harder on the body than a transplant of any major organ because it affects the entire body. (blood)"

Margie:" I'm taking two drugs for imunosuppressant, two times a day, one to protect the liver, protection from fungus, which affects the lungs, virus protection drugs, herpes protection drugs, one to protect against hanson's disease (popularly known as leprosy), anti diarreal, anti nausea, and the all purpose, anything that ails ya' drug, Atavan.
I take one drug that causes one side effect, then have to take another one to counter those side effects, then something else to counter the side effects of that drug"

Margie: "Dad says real love is cutting your spouses toenails" (which he was doing at the time)

Robert: "today was a blood draw and after that an infusion of magnesium and about three other things they mix in. She got "red man", so they'll have to slow down her drip to about 4 hours. The imunosuppressant drugs are draining the magnesium out of her and nothing she eats or supplements can replace it quickly enough"

(red man is when the body is overwhelmed by the speed of an infusion or drip into her central line (right above her heart), so, starting with her head, her body literally turns red as a reaction to being overwhelmed by the amount of intake. I witnessed this when I was up there, it's very apparant, very quickly.)

Cathy: "I still feel like crud. Still some nausea, really tired. Luckily Rachel and Cora are coming over and bringing food, so that will help, and I'll get some rest"

Nutritionist: "Margies doing outstanding" with her nutrition

Dr. Storb: "Cathy gave enough cells for two transplants and we gave them all to Margie" (way to go Cathy!)

Dr. Ernster: (my sons' pediatrician who knows Margie) "She's got a wonderful attitude and spirit- that's going to make all the difference. Give her a hug for me and send my best next time you talk"

All for now dears. Last year on August 14, Robert spent his birthday waiting while Margie got a bone marrow biopsy, so this year I hope we skip the biopsy and go right to the birthday cake! Happy birthday to both of you this year (Margie/july 30) that you're past the transplant and onto the next "phase" of this.

And today, Happy Birthday Colleen D.!

Love, Kathleen

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