Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ready for my close up!

Day 47 today and Margie had an itty-bitty, teeny-weeny camera sent down to her stomach on monday- She was not awake for the procedure and woke up feeling fine and a bit sore, but overall no worse for wear.
Yes, the results are back, she does have a "mild" case of graft vs. host disease and it is being treated now by strong doses of prednazone (anti-inflamatory) a drug which can be hard on the body, so thankfully they'll taper her off in a week or so. Also taking Beclometh, which is the drug treatment specifically for the GVHD. (graft versus host disease)

In the category of cookey-but-true: Beclometh, the treatment drug that she's taking to combat the GVHD. Like most drugs would normally affect other parts of the body, and as we know Margies issue right now is with her stomach/vomiting. So, they (the medical team) explained that if she takes it with oil (corn oil, it has the least amount of taste) the oil keeps the meds isolated to the stomach, and they won't be absorbed by the rest of the body. Zany.

While Margie is taking this, she'll be monitored more regularly with regard to her heart/blood etc. so that any negative effects can be quickly dealt with (keep in mind, she's still on many other drugs for the transplant) She took her first doses yesterday (tuesday) then the second this morning. (once a day) She said she already felt a little better, although she still vomited once each day.

She did have a check up with the dermatologist today: Margie has a propensity toward skin cancer (as all of you and I moley Szabo kin do- go get checked by a dermatologist! Now.) and she had something suspicious looking taken off of her nose/nostril area. The doc thinks that it's a basil cell carcinoma, which is the kind that a person wants: it just gets removed and then that's the end of it)
So, the little bugger has to get biopsied and if she needs to have it "dug out" as they do (where they have to cut out a larger portion of area surrounding the site) then she'll have to have a plastic surgeon at it again on her face. (For those of you unaware, Margie had a melanoma taken off her face a few years ago) Nothing like having something to take her mind off of Leukemia for a while- Jeesh!

In the bits and bobs category:
-Jeanni G's birthday is this sunday the 23rd and Sullivan P on the 27- Happy birthday to you both!
-My father in law, Herb is having open heart surgery today: please keep him in your prayers.

Love to you all- will post more Margie news in the next day or two...
Oh, I almost forgot: Asked her today how she felt on the transplant-o-meter scale of 1 to 100. Last time was 25. She says she feels like a fourty!! That's great progress!

1 comment:

  1. Hey everybody this is the Cathy, How is everyone doing these days, its kinda nice having this blog especially when we don't keep in touch, i would write in the comment part more often but my computer won't let me do it does anyone else have this problem, Well let me know, its always nice to read this part just for fun. I'm on margies nice computer and it always seems to do whatever, everyone probably know Debbie had to take care of some business in Calif. So I decided to come overtown and see margie and bob except they arn't here she had to go get an infusion, so she will be back shortly, well 2.5 hrs. So i am doing housework, Which i like to do sometimes, Margie is worn out but her spirits are high its so nice to see her and bob. I think they are past the half way mark she feels alot better, We will keep praying for her as she seems to be doing well as well can be well just rambling, i love to read the comment boxes hope you will write even a joke or a one liner, i have the habit of rambling on so maybe i'm deleted already, Love everyone margie thought she would get my smile, thorough the transplant and i was looking at her today and i think she is beginning to look more like a twin, how do you like that Joe, well just being silly and crazy and i hope there are more of you silly and crazy people out there love to you blogger readers Cathy


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