Friday, June 29, 2007

Fogs in...

I can see the thought bubble above your head: "huh?"
This title has nothing to do with Margie, other than the fact that she loves San Francisco, and I live here, and the fogs in...
It's the last two days of June and the fog is thick as soup. Brrrr. Come september and October: glorious.
Yes, I know you've read this a hundred times, but the oft quoted Mark Twain said it best:
"The coldest winter I ever spent, was a summer in San Francisco" He couldn't be more right.

Back to Margie-
She's still in a bit of a holding pattern due to her numbers not yet being up, but still moving on with yet more new procedures:
Next week she starts 12 days (not including weekends) of cranial/spinal radiation. We talked about radiation for a few minutes, and as all electricity, even a light bulb emits some amount of radiation, I likened it to harnessing a lightening bolt (if you want to think about the comparisons, light bulbs, microwave ovens,etc) So, this goes on each of the twelve days for a few minutes.
And that is to further eradicate the leukemia cells from her brain and spine.

Last bone marrow biopsy results haven't come back completely yet, as the cells are too immature, so still waiting for more conclusive information. She's got another biopsy scheduled tentatively- (the blood numbers have to be higher) and after that, maybe get that ol' transplant scheduled again.

Day to day, she's at the Hutch to get her blood drawn and info on where the numbers are, sometimes receiving product. Today going in this afternoon just for that reason.

She's up to about 12 city blocks walking daily again and trying to add more length to get stronger. As her numbers climb, so will the strength in her body.

All for now. Margie tells me she's sent along in the mail a few "jottings" that I can transcribe to the blog, so you can look forward to her words instead of mine. Will post them as soon as they arrive.

Love, Kathleen

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