Saturday, June 9, 2007

waiting, waiting

This mornings report: Overall, good.
Assorted information in no particular order-

-Margie's numbers still haven't come up: she said they "went into retreat" after the chemo, which is apparantly normal, but in the meantime, she's supported by blood infusions and the p.a. says that they should start seeing the numbers come up in the next couple of days.

-She has a rash all over her chest, face and shoulders, luckily not itchy, due to a side effect of the two antibiotics she's on.
Of course, rashes always tend to be a bit of a mystery and then one has to do some detective work to correct the problem, so they are going to change her antibiotics today and hopefully see an improvement.

-She has a bit of swelling at the site of her hickman which the p.a. says is part of the rash, but Margie noted that it did not come with the rash, so we shall see.

-Eating and sleeping are some big issues right now. Thinking about, looking at and faced with the task of eating makes her naseated. She's occasionally trying a med to offset this side effect, but overall the appetite is shot. The mouth sores are less of an issue.

-Sleeping: This is harsh- only about 1 to 2 hours at a time. So, as a sample, last night:
9 to 10 pm, sleep, up till 1. sleep from 1-3, up. Sleep from 4-5. Up. Sleep from 7-9. Up.
Those little blocks of 1 to 2 are hard and she's up and down constantly, what with the interruptions of the medical staff, obviously neccessary. So, she's getting the sleep anywhere she can.
She commented to me this week that she is the most exhausted this week than any other time during this hospital stay.
So, no visitors due to her immune system being compromised but sounds like a good thing so that any time alone she can try and sleep.

-Trying to clock 1 to 2 miles a day around the nurses station, so that's good and it's what her body has to have

-She discovered a smoothy type concoction that he kitchen makes that has 19g. protein and most importantly is cold, which seems to help to get it down and not so nauseating to drink.

So, there's the latest report: All in all, positive. Margies slugging it out and is just the tough cookie to get through-


p.s. THANK YOU to those of you that have emailed me with their summer plans (see previous post for more info if you missed it) It's not too late, email me at KERS@ATT.NET and let me know what you and yours are going to be doing over the summer and I'll compile them on the blog for Margie. She'll love to read about what her friends and family are doing!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Good Morning!
    Thank you so much for all the love you pour through Margie's blog.
    I only have email access at work, and somehow they don't let me send comments through to her.
    So, please let her know that I am sending love and prayers her way everyday.
    I have a tree on the beach in Indianola where I have been putting prayer shells. There are two clam shells perched on the tree for her.

    I just celebrated my 60th birthday with a party in Indianola at our clubhouse. We had the Island Marimba Ensemble play (music from Zimbabwe), and we rocked out and danced all night long. Tito, Lydia and Jack all shared their music as well. George said I was the most beautiful 60 year old woman.
    It was a very special evening.
    The celebration was also a fund raiser for the "Cowling Creek Project." A saving of many acres of land near Suquamish from anything but just life itself.
    So, my dear, I send you love as you spread yours all around. How fortunate your parents are to have you loving them.
    Year ago, when George and I began to have children--almost 30 years now, your Dad said to me, "Give them all the love you can, but don't ever expect anything back. When you get it, then be thankful for it."
    What showers of love you are pouring on your parents. How overwhelmed they must be to feel so loved.
    Blessings on you as you mother and care for your mother and fill all the other parts of your life that you do.

    ( This is Margie's good friend Kathy R. , I pasted it into the comment section for mom to read it)
    Kathy, thank you for the lovely comment-
    Love, Kathleen


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