Thursday, July 25, 2013

Living in a forward direction

Or as we like to say, "get your arse out of bed and keep moving!"
Living in a forward direction.
Some terrifically positive news from this weeks doctors appointments:
- At the Oncologists, Margie was told that there ARE NO LEUKEMIC CELLS IN THE SPINE.
 can I say that louder? That's huge is what that is.
-At the physical therapists, Margie worked with the therapists on walking and regaining natural mobility to that left leg that has been riddled with a leukemic mass behind the knee.
-Back at the Oncologists, treatment discussions which included options: three of them.
1. Don't do anything. (watch and wait)
2. Start Chemotherapy (then refer to no. 1 to see how she responds )
3. Turn all her medical information and current condition over to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and in turn The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Hospital and find out if she is a candidate for current treatment and trials for Acute Myloid Leukemia.

Options? Choices? Me thinks not. Here's a hint:
The Hutch (Hutchinson) CURED  Margie of cancer once through the use of a stem cell transplant.

Speaking as one of her four children, this is a no brainer.

Living in a forward direction. Yes, please.

I  love you mom.

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