Tuesday, March 11, 2008

the sun is shining!

Just a few words to bring everyone up to date.
M had her biopsy on the 25th of feb. . Then a clinic visit,at Virginia Mason, on the 27th. That was too soon to have any results back from the SCCA. We go to V.M. (Virginia Mason) on the 12th, tomorrow, for a scheduled clinic visit/blood draw. Then we should have info/news.
We, M and I (Robert or Dad or caregiver) are fine. We kind of live day by day, enjoying each one fully.Things are pretty normal here. It is a fine day, like I said, the sun is shining. We go out for walks as we can, when M feels up to it. I always have something to do what with the yard and the daily "chores". Have started some peas in the greenhouse. Have spread manure on most of the garden and have it tilled.
We start ever day with pills and end every day with pills. A couple have been stopped now and M is on a taper for the rejection drug cyclosporine. At that time a couple of others stop. M takes pills to counter the effects of other pills!
All for now, we are well. Some times we get side tracked and forget family and friends who wonder how we are.
my love DAD

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