Friday, September 14, 2007

Day 42 post transplant

Ok, so here's the rundown of follow-up from some of the tests that I reported on and updated information what's still around the corner.

-the lumbar puncture came back good: no L cells
-had a cranial MRI so that the team could determine if there was any brain damage from all the chemo. (now's a fine time to think about THAT) I digress. Her brain looks good.

-Saw the nutritionist this week- all was fine and got new ideas about eating and managing her eating. Margie says she's been eating a little more and figuring out what to eat.
-Margie and Roberts time at the Hutch is some days down to a bit over an hour, sometimes more, but overall, much better now since they don't have to do the regular infusions to the tune of 4-5 hours a day.

On the flip side of all that lovelyness, the vomiting is still not going away. She'd been down to about one a day and then this week there were days when it was two or three times.
What's being determined now is that they are suspecting that she has graft versus host disease because as they put it, "she should be feeling better by now" The next step then is to see a team of gastrointerologists and they'll do a procedure where they run a tube down her and determine graft v. host in which case they will then use medication to combat it.

The fatigue, vomiting and feeling like crap have just gone past the expiration date for what should be happening, so her team has to now figure out why she still feels this way.

Before I hung up with her this morning, she said she's "feeling a little better but it's so incremental that it's hard to tell"

Ugh. We all so want you to be feeling better soon!
Love, Kathleen

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there margie!We will be praying for you, love Rachel


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