Monday, September 10, 2007

Day 38 post transplant

Lots of bits and bobs to report today, based on my conversation yesterday:

- magnesium/potasium infusions have been shortened to one hour a day, and supplemented by oral doses. Wow!

-Friday spent a long day at the Hutch: froom about noon till about 10pm due to Margie needing blood product. Her hematacrit was down as well as hemaglobin.

-Lumbar puncture scheduled for tuesday this week to find out if there are any L cells in the spinal fluid

-Still feeling like a "20" on a scale from 1 to 100.

- having one regular throw up a day, usually after breakfast (I can see your thought bubble: yuck. ) that's life folks.

-visits scheduled with the nutritionist this week as well as the physical therapist.

The upside to all of that is that Margie and Robert have a little more "time" due to her getting progressively better. It's obviously a slow road, but seems like she's taking small steps (literally and figuratively) toward getting better all of the time.

Bravo, Margie!

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