Saturday, March 22, 2008

good friday

It was our infirmities that he bore,our sufferings that he endured while we thought of him as stricken, as one smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins.

All good news, everything is negative in fact they didn't do th flow part of the bx because it wasn't indicated. The other great thing is I had the Hickman catheter in my chest taken out as I'll only have blood draws monthly that should be doable. It is an adjustment, I have lived with it since June 06. Flushing it daily, drsg changes, changeing the caps at the end weekly. You get attached to things. I was so attached it took the surgeon 45 min to be able to remove it, as he said if your don't reject it it becomes part of you. But it always functioned perfectly and considering I had blood draws most every day for 6 months on top of about 20 blood/product transfusions.oh, and the transplant which came in the form of a transfusion. The Hickman meant I didn't have any worry or a second of pain or watching my veins being distroyed and wondering if one could be found next time. I saw a patient go through that on dialysis, his last line fell out. He and those at his bedside knew what it meant- I stepped out of the room and cried.

It is hailing now. Thankyou for checking the blog, thankyou for your thoughts,concern and prayers Love to all, M

1 comment:

  1. Margie,

    I am so glad all your tests came out so well, the Hickman is out, and you are doing so well. I have missed you. I will call soon. I hope we can get together this summer. Kathy


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