Post Transplant day 70!
seventy days! Of course, from where I sit that sounds like it's gone by quickly. Of course, I'm not the one with leukemia.
So, more good and bad:
last weekend Margie and Robert were able to get the weekend off and go back to the island. The report was that they felt relaxed after a couple of days of naps and relaxing. Sounds like just the ticket. Colleen and Rod were back from seeing Alyssa in Colorado and came back with colds, so they couldn't visit with Margie, but probubly just as well as she needed to just nap the weekend away...
In the not so great category, she's vomited a couple of times in the last 24 hours so instead of going to the island for the weekend today, they're at the Hutch to likely get an infusion of some type and maybe a readjustment of meds. Prednazone may be back on the menu. So, I'll report as I get some new info on this change.
Margie's walking approximately a mile a day which is great as her body has taken such a toll with this cancer and treatment, her muscles are essentially re-learning their movement. The p.t has also told her to only increase weights by one pound at a time (she started with a one pound weight a week ago, to illustrate how she is starting at square one as it were)
All in all, Margie is looking good in the big picture, but her incremental steps are small, so I know that it takes everything to keep the resolve and determination. If anyone can do it, Margie can.
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