Sunday, October 28, 2007

day 87

I am back on prednizone due to the symtoms of the gvh disease reappeared in my gut after just five days off of it so they put me back on 30mg daily and are decreasinging gradually until Dec. 13th.

They have mostly completed the discharge testing, dental exam, lumbar puncture with a 4th dose of chemo,last bone marrow bx for a year they say, a photo session for my skin to compare, a skin bx, blood cultures 2x per week, that was my last week. chest xray. I have physical therapy weekly with printouts of excerises to to everyday. They are simple, or I would have called them simple before but they don't feel that was now, Prednizone causes a lot of muscle atrophy and this is to counter that.

We give up the flat on Nov 10th. So we will be home after that. We are home as I write, we have been bringing things back over here gradually. I took way too much stuf. Have'nt been interestested in using it. I know I am going to be weeding out a lot of stuff once were back.

It will be a big transitition moving home, we have been gone 7 months. and it is a big security blanket being minites from the medical center than responds immeadiatly if you call with a concern or question. Love to all Thankyou once again for all you love, thoughts and prayers, I am so blessed. M

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