Wednesday, July 25, 2007


What's this you say?

Ok, here's the skinny and I'm going to be the one to make sure everyone knows-please pass this along to anyone that doesn't read the blog:


I have to be perfectly clear: Her transplant is going to leave her immune system at it's most compromised, and the most critical time for her NOT to be exposed to ANYONE, ANYTHING. Yes, I've cancelled my trip, and if any of you have any plans to drop by and see her and Robert, please re-think your plans and cancel them.

Sorry to be the wet rag on this- we all know how she loves a party, but not at this juncture.


Positive updates:
meeting with her doctors today and lots of positives going into day minus 5:
Cathy is a perfect match and same blood type as Margie and very positive that there is a large age gap between donor and recipient (donee?) Margie will be receiving the immune system of Cathy, 18 years younger!

Mondays bone marrow biopsy came back looking good and further pointing the transplant team toward Day Zero

Way to go Margie!

1 comment:

  1. hello to every one who might read this.

    Its now time to really start to prey for our sister,mother,friend Margie needs all the support she can get right now,I prey that the power of preyer will fill the air,call your preyer chain ,prey as a family, and she will feel that her family and friends are with her step by step.and thanks Kathleen for keeping all informed in the count down,but Tuesday is really the beginning of a long battle of very stong courage. Margie is such a trooper its really beyond words,when she put those photos of her with that rash that blow me away ,time after time she blows me away with that courage So prey for her healing, courage, we all love you Margie

    Love Richard


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