Friday, July 27, 2007

The Big Flush / plus, input from the south

Sorry about that guys, Its so exciting doing the transplant we can't even get it out of our mouths, Its hard to believe this day is coming, I Cathy am soo,excited I can't even put into words how this feels, I came over on the ferry this morning with all this excitment and anticipation, got a little blood taken, and got my two shots, Zing!right in the back of my arms two actually, i had another choice... my stomach that would really have been a zinger, I came out of that appointment and there was Margie just looking so beautiful and happy we exchanged embraces and it was just so special you know like a special occation is coming up. Well i'm getting a little mushy but i was telling Kathleen last night its such an honor and priviledge to to this, I mean like i won the contest, Well enough of me,

After i saw Margie and Bob she got her first infusion of chemo, We had a great time chatting and laughing while Bob, faithful Bob kept us hydrated with lots of water and tomatoe juice. So two more sessions of chemo and then the Big Flush and i'm not talking the diarhha kind (Still can't spell that word)The flushing away of the old and getting a fresh new set of stem cells. As Margie was getting her chemo this morning I told her I felt this gravitational pull towards her, my stem cells i can actually hear them calling to Margie We want out. Well ok enough of my silly humor.Just wanted to share with you the jubulation we feel here we know it still might be a long road but hopefully the worst is over, I'm signing out my love to you All Cathy.


Kathleen here: Thank you all for bearing with me on the ranting of the last post to stay the hell away from Margie. Ok, call me protective... you know I am harmless. Maybe. Anyway, that's not why I am posting:

I am just so encouraged: I called this afternoon and Cathy was there at the apartment doing the above post and they (margie, bob and cathy) sounded like they were just having such a good time, laughing, talking. The anticipation of Tuesday, day zero
is so exciting and Margie sounds good, REALLY GOOD. She's been on a long road and it's certainly not over as the transplant
will send her to a whole "other world of possibilities" (isn't that a fun way of saying freakish side-effects?)

I've eluded to this in the past about the transplant, but the first 100 days is the most critical and she'll be at her most critical.
But, she sounds so good and optimistic: tuesday is such a huge day. She was in for a half hour transfusion of chemo this morning (boy, doesn't that sounds "easy" after what she's been through so far?) and will do that again for the next two days,
then tuesday, full body radiation before the transplant. I know I've written all of this before- bear with me. (I'm known for repeating myself anyway, so why should this be any differerent?)

I'll keep all posted with a "blow by blow" post transplant- Susie M. and I were laughing that Margie needs a web-cam and we can all watch her every move: did you see "The Truman show"? Creepy. Don't worry mom, we won't.

As you can read, I am VERY excited as I know all of you are...Thank you Richard for all of the words of encouragement-

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