can you say "Atelectisis"?
Atelectisis is when a section of the lung collapses. So, yesterday in the wee hours Margie had this side effect from the chemo and was able to bounce back through the day.
So far, she's had the diarrhea, the lung side effect, just developing mouth sores. Of course we're hoping that this will be the worst of it. Of course her numbers are dropping as they do after chemo, so she's getting blood product to support her.
What a trooper, she's committed to walking as much as she can as it's vital that she keeps moving and doesn't get atrophied from all the bed time. So when I spoke with her yesterday, even in all of the exhaustion she says," well, I'm getting an i.v., and then I'm going to walk for a while, I only walked for six minutes this morning."
Funny story:
Throughout Margie's leukemia, she and I have had some sort of telekenetic connection similar to "twin-syndrome" type stuff, that is to say, the first time was early on in her illness, first thing in the morning at the hospital, she went in for her first bone marrow biopsy, which ended up being very painful for her. I didn't know that this was happening, but at the same time, I was in my house, taking a shower and started getting sharp stabbing pains in my lower back and hip! When I spoke with her later, she told me about the biospy and the pain and it was happening at the same time as the pain in the shower.
Another time, she was getting her lumbar puncture (this happened twice) where it was a difficult/painful procedure and her I was down in San Francisco getting my usual pains. ( I didn' t know the procedure was happening at the time, lest you find these coincidences suspect!)
So then yesterday she told me about her having her atelectisis side effects and the breathing difficulities. I told her that I'd woken up from a vivid dream early in the morning about being somewhere with some people and the leader was telling us about swimming through an underground cave to get to the other side and during the whole dream, I was filled with anxiety about breathing and holding my breath as we were told that we'd have to hold our breath to survive to the other side and that I'd have to be able to hold my breath for about a minute and a half. It was one of those dreams where I woke up exhausted from all of the stress and physical nature of the dream. So I told Margie about my dream, and she of course
was blown away by the connection as I was and then she says: " but what about the diarrhea??"
(luckily, THAT I did not get!) Thank you.
This would not be complete of course if I did not report on dad. I spoke with Robert after he'd gone back to the apartment and he'd just finished dinner and was going to be heading off to bed soon. He sounded, all things considered, pretty good.
We certainly need to keep tabs on his health/emotional and phychological as anyone in his position can pretty much turn into a train wreck at any time. He says he's getting some sleep at night and eating right, was planning on going into the hospital "late" this morning (8am) Hmmm.
All for now, will update more through the weekend as well as the big bash Randy and I are going to-
Love, Kathleen
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