Saturday, April 21, 2007

Pie takes Seattle Ferry

Never a dull moment. If you've been following this blog in the last 24 hours you've seen that things are changing nearly every couple of hours.
So as I wrote, we arrived on the island, saw Mike and Carol at the tree farm
and went to the house where Eleanor proceeded to make two pies for enjoying after our dinner tonight with Rod, Colleen, Mike, Carol, Eleanor,Cathy, Mom, Dad and I.
(shall we say, team Bainbridge?)
Anyway, mom went to the store to get a couple of things for the pie, and by the time she had arrived back from the store, the hospital called to tell her she did have a infection and needed to come back on the next boat to begin an i.v. into her hickman cathetar at the university hospital.
So, we all had about 9 minutes to rush around, pick up our luggage that we luckily had not unpacked, grab whatever was needed (including one pie!) and jump in the car to get the boat. I'd say, not too shabby considering how long it can take for four people to get into a car with their things to get to a boat.
Out the door, to the boat, over to Seattle, drive around Lake union to University hospital, mom get's plugged into a line in a room and then we wait for 2 hours whilst she gets what she needs in the way of antibiotics (vancomyocin)
So, I ordered take away from Outback Steakhouse (the petite filet was very good)
and we left the hospital, drove by Outback and picked up dinner, then back to the apartment where we now all sit, at 10:30, digesting our food enough to make room for a slice of Eleanor's pie. (when I'm back in SF, I'll post photos of our trip including pie)
So, will be tucking Margie into bed, she's good and will be back to Hutch tomorrow at 8am for another 2 hour drip, then back to the apartment...
p.s. Mom: "the pie was a symbol of the fun experiences that Eleanor and I had so long ago in Stockton and so delicious that her family demands it every holiday."
It's called cherry cheese pie.
Good night and God Bless

1 comment:

  1. My goodness you guys are a busy lot! It is so fortunate that you decided to get your apartment early instead of waiting until the actual transplant procedure. Just taking the boat back and forth to the island is time consuming enough without having to do it at a moments notice or on top of the kind of days you guys have been having! Why do they think you have an infection? Is it because they are in and out of your Hickman and thus bacteria can get in? Or could it have something to do with having the bone marrow biopsy and being exposed in that way somehow to bacteria? Do they try to figure out what caused it? Since infection is your greatest foe once you have the transplant I would think that this would be extremely important to understand and figure out. When you get a chance would you please tell us about that. In other words, specifically, are you at risk of infection when they go in and out of your Hickman or when they do a biopsy? I'm sure they must have everything sterile, but do they have infections in that hospital like they do in other hospitals that you catch because you are there? (Super-stains). I would think the answer to that would be NO because they are doing transplants and that is the worst possible thing that could be going on there. So I'm just really curious as to the how and why of you getting an infection now when your immune system isn't even compromised yet. I don't mean to be negative. I just find it worrisome and I'd like to understand it. When do Kathleen and Eleanor go home? It sounds like you had a great time with them in spite of the circumstances. Please tell Kathleen how much we appreciate all of her hard work setting up this website, as well as contributing each of the daily updates to it. It is so great to be able to keep up with how everything is going for you without having to tire you out explaining it to each of us individually. I hope your Sunday is alot less eventful than your Saturday so you can rest and enjoy your company. We miss you and wish we weren't so far away. Please know you are always in our thoughts. We love you, Susie, Eddie, Dashiell and Sully


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